Why being scared of Machine Learning will leave you in the 90s
Christoph Magnussen → and Stefan Richter met for a quick talk about the fear of many companies to utilize their data and the state of security when using cloud. Hope it’s useful to you guys!
Read full article to watch the video:
From November, 25 to 27, 2016 the third Robotic Hamburg Open Workshop (RoHOW) → will be held at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
The RoHOW is an educational and networking event of students of the Universität Hamburg and the TUHH with students and scientists from all over the world that are active in research on humanoid robots.
Teams of the standard platform and Humanoid Kid Size League are invited to present their work. RoHOW is organized by students from the RoboCup teams of the Universität Hamburg and the TUHH. freiheit.com is proud to support the open workshop!
The code.talks → meanwhile is one of Europe’s biggest developer’s conference. In 2016, the developer’s bash goes into its sixth round. This time, freiheit.com is platinum sponsor and curators for track New Technology →, Live Coding →, and Big Data & Skalierung →.
HackerTalk with Aubrey de Grey
The first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born
Read →Die Maschine bekommt ein sympathisches Gesicht →, nämlich unseres →
Even though machines are taking over more jobs that previously have been executed by humans, this development also bears a lot of opportunities for us, because we are still a valuable workforce. Nevertheless, the population declines and becomes increasingly older and many exciting jobs still remain that only someone made out of flesh and blood can do best. At the same time, the human workforce is decreasing. This is where intelligent machines can steer demographic changes towards our benefit. Claudia’s article → explains why we should embrace the opportunities created by the Second Machine Age.
On October 26, 2016, we hang out with these cool, young mathematicians from Lothar Collatz School → for Computing in Science, which promotes computational education & research at the interface of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computational Sciences. It is a pleasure having you, thank you for visiting us!
Imagine the European Union builds its IT infrastructure based on free software. Imagine European member states trade information with the help of open standards and share their software. Imagine municipalities and city councils profit from decentralized and collaborative software based on free software licenses. Imagine Europeans are no longer forced to use proprietary software any longer.
That is the goal of the FSFE →. The FSFE Summit → is the general assembly that unites FSFE members and supporters from all over Europe.