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May 18, 2016
The photo blog “Office Snapshots” shows inspiring office designs from all over the globe. Along our company ethos “design follows function”, we have created a place, where both creative and analytical teams are able to ideally work in an innovative atmosphere. Office Snapshots has now published our work space among “the world’s best office designs” … Check out Office Snapshots →
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October 15, 2015
Claudia Dietze - columnist for the online magazine SAAL ZWEI - writes exclusively about topics that move her in her daily life as top executive. In her column titled “Wer braucht heute noch Manager?” (“Who still needs managers today?”), Claudia explains how new management concepts, such as Holacracy, leads towards meaningful tasks and better results. Wer braucht heute noch Manager? →
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December 17, 2014
In the SAAL ZWEI column “3 QUESTIONS FOR 30 WOMEN.” the online magazine introduces 30 female top managers, who are all game changers in their industries. Among them is Claudia Dietze, who is convinced that most of the time perfect is the enemy of good. Along this corporate principle and for more than 15 years, she has been successfully leading her company towards the future. Check out the article →
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April 26, 2016
Claudia Dietze - columnist for the online magazine SAAL ZWEI - writes exclusively about topics that move her in her daily life as top executive. In the digital age, recruiting is becoming the most important management role, which is not only executed by CEOs in Silicon Valley. In her column “Jobinterviews sind CEO-Sache”, Claudia explains the importance of a CEO’s presence and how to implement a corporate value system in today’s recruiting process.
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July 1, 2015
Claudia Dietze - columnist for the online magazine SAAL ZWEI - writes exclusively about topics that move her in her daily life as top executive. Makers determine a company’s future - why? Claudia provides an answer in her column “Sind Sie ein ‘Maker’ oder verwalten Sie?” (“Are you a ‘maker’ or are you an administrator?”). Sind Sie ein ‘Maker’ oder verwalten Sie? →
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